Thursday, October 6, 2011


I would definitely love to teach in a classroom that uses digital technologies. I believe certain technologies would be very helpful and could give my students the chance to be more involved in class. For example, electronic whiteboards can be found in many classrooms now because they allow teachers to easily project Power Point presentations and even save any notes that they write on the board. One technology that would benefit the students would be wireless response systems (clickers). These devices would be helpful for things such as discussions in class where the all students would get a chance to participate. Classroom technologies give students a new view of learning and allow teachers to instruct certain lessons in ways that were once not possible.


Traditional Audio Technology: Talking Books
·         Talking books could be used in a literature class when the students are reading plays. They can make it so the students can hear the different voices of each character which would be helpful with comprehension.

Emerging Audio Technology: Compact Discs
·         Teachers may use compact discs during class time to record their lectures. Teachers can then keep these CDs for their own records or even offer copies to their students to help with studying.

Traditional Visual Technology: Bulletin Boards
·         Bulletin boards can be put up around the classroom to promote learning. They might display important information about topics being learned at a particular time in the school year.

Emerging Visual Technology: Digital Video Cameras
·         In a marketing class, groups of students could work together to write and perform their own commercials for a product. They could use digital video cameras to record their commercial performances and then show them to their classmates.

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